Bluebase Foundation advances activities being undertaken for the public benefit, particularly in, but not limited to, the geographical regions of the West Midlands and Hungary. Written applications will be considered annually in March, with an ongoing review process so that applicants are advised if shortlisted.
Case Study 1
Side by Side Theatre Company
in Stourbridge
A charity which gives learning disabled actors the opportunity to develop their skills in the Performing Arts. One of the Trustees of Bluebase Foundation assisted Side by Side in identifying and purchasing a redundant church as their permanent home in [2019]. Previously, Side by Side were reliant on renting space from third party entities for rehearsals and activities. Side by Side had no certainty looking forwards.

Case Study 2
Hospice/Day Care Centre
in Hungary
Hungary, where there is inadequate availability of both residential and day care facilities for palliative care. Bluebase Foundation has agreed to fund the acquisition and refurbishment of a former school in Pecs (South-west Hungary), which, subject to receipt of planning permission, will result in the provision of a new 20 bed hospice, day care clinic, café, wellness studio and peace garden.

Notwithstanding the two real estate focused examples above, the Trustees will consider the merits of any funding requirement meeting the geographical and public benefit criteria. For example. Bluebase Foundation supports both Stourbridge Rugby Club and Black Country Boxing, in recognition of the benefit to the community both organisations provide via their sporting activities.